Crime & Security
When Is Your Association Liable for Injuries Sustained on the Premises?
A third-party security guard who slipped and fell on a puddle while on duty sued the Georgia condo association where she was working. The association doesn’t have its own employees, so it hires third-party contractors to perform the necessary functions. For example, in May 2012, it retained Sizemore Security Services to provide “safety officers” for…
HOA Isn’t Liable for Security Guard’s Slip and Fall
A third-party security guard who slipped and fell on a puddle while on duty sued the Georgia condo association where she was working (River Place at Port Royal Condominium Ass’n, Inc. v. Sapp). Read on for a useful refresher about when an association or manager can be held liable for injuries sustained on association premises…
Should You Let Owners Install Their Own Security Lighting?
The desire for security lighting by owners with security concerns can put associations and boards in a difficult position, especially when their CC&Rs prohibit exterior or high-intensity lighting. What should your clients do when owners request permission to install lights that can be both protective and disruptive? “Lighting is said to be a deterrent to…
Owners’ Individual Security Lighting: Yay or Nay?
The desire for security lighting by owners with security concerns can put associations and boards in a difficult position, especially when their CC&Rs prohibit exterior or high-intensity lighting. What should your clients do when owners request permission to install lights that can be both protective and disruptive?The Balancing Act“Lighting is said to be a deterrent…
More Remote Work Means More Risks for Associations
The many domino effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing recession include not only an increase in the number of people performing their current jobs from home, rather than at an office or other workplace, but also a surge in the number of home-based businesses. With so many people looking to replace lost income,…
COVID-19 Impacts: Handling the Jump in Home-Based Businesses
The many domino effects of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ensuing recession include not only an increase in the number of people performing their current jobs from home, rather than at an office or other workplace, but also a surge in the number of home-based businesses. With so many people looking to replace lost income,…
Should Your Clients Install Automated License Plate Readers?
Community associations increasingly are installing automated license plate readers (ALPRs) as a way to bolster security. “As people get more used to the technology, I think more associations will go down this path,” says Kevin Hirzel, managing member of Hirzel Law, PLC, a Michigan-based firm that works with community associations, “especially if they’re looking to…
Read All About It: Should Your Clients Install Automated License Plate Readers?
Community associations increasingly are installing automated license plate readers (ALPRs) as a way to bolster security. “As people get more used to the technology, I think more associations will go down this path,” says Kevin Hirzel, managing member of Hirzel Law, PLC, a Michigan-based firm that works with community associations, “especially if they’re looking to…
Is Your Association Vulnerable to Phishing Attacks?
It’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month — are you, your employees, and your boards of directors aware of community associations’ risks from phishing attacks? If not, or if proper precautions aren’t taken, your clients and their owners could lose control of their confidential information. And the risks are even higher if you have staff working from…
Don’t Let Your Clients Get Caught: How to Avoid Phishing Risks
It’s National Cybersecurity Awareness Month — are you, your employees, and your boards of directors aware of community associations’ risks from phishing attacks? If not, or if proper precautions aren’t taken, your clients and their owners could lose control of their confidential information. And the risks are even higher if you have staff working from…